Tổng hợp phím tắt – keyboard shortcuts dùng trong Brackets trên Windows.
Windows | Action |
Ctrl + + | Increase Font Size |
Ctrl + - | Decrease Font Size |
Ctrl + 0 | Return to Default |
Ctrl + Shift + H | Hide/Show the Sidebar |
Ctrl + Alt + P | Live Preview |
Ctrl + Shift + C | Live Preview Highlight |
Ctrl + Shift + O | Quick Open |
Ctrl + W | Close Current File |
Ctrl + Shift + W | Close All Files |
Ctrl + O | Open a File |
Ctrl + N | New File |
Ctrl + Alt + R | Switch Project |
F2 | Rename current file |
Ctrl + X | Delete/Cut line/selection |
Ctrl + D | Duplicate line/selection |
Ctrl+C | Copy line/selection |
Ctrl + V | Paste line/selection |
Ctrl + / | Single line comment |
Ctrl + Shift + / | Block comment |
Ctrl + Enter | Add a new line after the current line |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Add a new line before the current line |
Left | Move to the left |
Right | Move to the right |
Up | Move up one line |
Down | Move down one line |
Ctrl + Right | Move to next word |
Ctrl + Left | Move to previous word |
Alt + Right | Move to the end of line |
Alt + Left | Move to the beginning of the line |
Ctrl + Home | Move to the beginning of file |
Ctrl + End | Move to the end of file |
Ctrl + Up | Scroll line up |
Ctrl + Down | Scroll down |
Ctrl + L | Select the current line |
Ctrl + B | Select the current word |
Ctrl + A | Select all the text |
Shift + Right | Select the next character |
Shift + Left | Select the previous character |
Shift + Up | Select the previous line |
Shift + Down | Select the next line |
Shift + Alt + Right | Select next word |
Shift + Alt + Left | Select previous word |
Shift + Cmd + Right | Select to the end of line |
Shift + Cmd + Left | Select to the beginning of line |
Shift + Cmd + Home | Select to the beginning of file |
Shift + Cmd + End | Select to the end of file |
Ctrl + Shift + Up | Move current line/selection up |
Ctrl + Shift + Down | Move current line/selection down |
Ctrl + ] | Indent |
Ctrl + [ | Unindent |
Tab | Indent |
Shift + Tab | Unindent |
Ctrl + E | Open/Close Quick Edit |
Alt + Down | Go to next rule in list |
Alt + Up | Go to previous rule in list |
Esc | Close Quick Edit |
Ctrl + N | Create a New Rule |
Ctrl + F | Find |
F3 | Find Next |
Shift +F3 | Find Previous |
Ctrl + Shift + F | Find in Files |
Ctrl + H | Replace |
Ctrl + Shift + H | Replace in Files |
Ctrl + B | Add next match to your selection |
Ctrl + Shift + B | Skip and add next match |
Ctrl + U | Undo last selection change |
Ctrl+ Shift + U | Redo last selection change |
Alt + F3 | Find all and select |
Ctrl + Click | Add to your selection |
Alt + Click & drag | Select a column |
Alt + Shift + Up | Add Cursor to Previous Line |
Alt + Shift + Down | Add Cursor to Next Line |
Ctrl + Alt + L | Split Selection Into Lines |
Esc | Switch to a Single Selection |
Ctrl + E | Quick Edit |
Ctrl + J | Jump to Definition |
Ctrl + Shift + O | Quick Open |
Ctrl + T | Go to Definition |
Ctrl + G | Go to Line |
Ctrl + K | Quick Docs |
Ctrl + Q | Quit |
Ctrl + S | Save |
Ctrl + Alt + S | Save All |
Ctrl + Shift + S | Save As... |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Delete Line(s) |
F5 | Reload Brackets |
F8 | Go to First Error/Warning |
F12 | Show Developer Tools |
Ctrl + Space | Show Code Hints |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Previous Document |
Ctrl + Tab | Next Document |